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Enhancing sports performance Conférence sur la Méthode Feldenkrais

w/ Choune Ostorero, Vladimir Latocha, Emanuele Enria

  • 15€

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01 Mar - 02 Mar




Français, Anglais

General Public

Forest Lighthouse

Sat 1 Mar - 25


18:00 - 19:30

Sun 2 Mar - 25

Replay sous-titré Français

18:00 - 19:30


What is Enhancing sports performance ?

Every week for 12 weeks, specialists from Europe, the UK and the USA will share their experience and knowledge of the various applications of the Feldenkrais Method and its transformative learning strategies. Don't miss it !

In this event, Choune will share her experience working with Olympic medal-winning swimmers and using the Feldenkrais Method to support top-level athletes. She will explain how the principles of the method can enhance performance and help with active recovery.

Following her talk, we will watch four short documentaries:

• The first features Choune working with swimmers.

• The second showcases Vladimir Latocha, who shares his journey as a high-level Olympic swimmer and his own work with top-level athletes.

• The third explores Emanuele Enria’s application of the Feldenkrais Method in martial arts.

The event will conclude with a Q&A session with Choune Ostorero.

What you will learn ?

More information on the 12 weeks of courses and conferences:

Who is teaching ?

Choune Ostorero

Choune Ostorero

Her professional experience in various sports disciplines has sharpened her taste for learning through movement. Following various injuries, she had to rethink her way of doing and moving. It was the discovery of the Feldenkrais Method that radically transformed her sporting practice.Since 2009, as a Feldenkrais practitioner, she has put her experience and skills in self-awareness and self-organization at the service of athletes and their practice.
Emanuele Enria

Emanuele Enria

Emanuele Enria is a Feldenkrais teacher who incorporates elements of biomechanics, neurophysiology, psychophysics, motor development, anthropology, cognitive science, and martial arts into his work. For him, exploring movement and its representation means engaging with the social, philosophical, and symbolic postures each society expresses—beginning with the world of children. In this spirit, he collaborates with schools and contemporary art museums in Italy, France, and Germany. Beyond his Feldenkrais practice, he also teaches Kinomichi—a martial art in the budō tradition, developed in Paris in 1979 by Masamichi Noro from the Japanese art of aikido. In his teaching, Emanuele seeks to uncover the...
Vladimir Latocha

Vladimir Latocha

Vladimir Latocha, OLY, PhD, SEP is a retired Olympic breaststroke swimmer (Atlanta ’96), who became a Feldenkrais practitioner. Since a young age, both swimming and studies were important to him, hence he studied to graduate from a Master in Scientific Computing, while training in swimming to reach the Olympic level. After quitting swimming, he finished a PhD in applied mathematics and discovered the existence of the Feldenkrais Method in 2001.  He is also a Somatic Experiencing practitioner. He is still working as a mathematician and became the director of an institute that promotes studies to improve the way mathematics are...

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