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Sophie Dingemans, workshop leader

I have extensive experience working internationally with children and babies, especially those with special needs. I work with children and babies with a wide range of challenges, and also with typically developing children. I have worked by invitation in ten countries in 18 cities, returning often to the same places and developing close working relationships with many families. I have witnessed time and again the transformative power of this work for children and their families. My experiences have been deeply rewarding and at times deeply challenging, facilitating my own professional transformations and inspiring me to support more practitioners to work with children. I do this through individual mentoring, advanced training, and inviting practitioners to attend workshops I teach for parents, caregivers and other professionals working with children. 

I am a certified Feldenkrais Method practitioner, with additional certifications in Theory and Techniques from Anat Baniel Method for Children (ABM), taught by Nancy Aberle, and the Jeremy Krauss Approach for Child Development (JKA). My work is also informed by a range of child development methods and theories, especially the work of Dr Emmi Pikler and Dr Daniel Siegel. /