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Wilma Vesseur

studied New Dance at the SNDO in Amsterdam and Comparative Religions at the VU in Amsterdam. She worked for a long time as a choreographer for circle dance practices. She…

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Tamara Milla Vigo

Franco-Peruvian, she grew up between two visions of the world, leading her to mix in her journey the curiosity of the other and the quest for oneself. Dancer (contemporary and…

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Eva Maes

with MA in History, studied dance at Cunningham Dance Studio, at Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (MA DANCE, researcher at CORPoREAL-group), with Lisa Nelson and at the School for Body-Mind Centering® (certified…

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Christian Meier

is a certified Body-Mind Centering® teacher and medical doctor. He is primarily dealing with transmitting experimental knowledge of the body as a source for creative-artistic and health promoting processes. His…

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Dr Howard Schubiner

Dr. Howard Schubiner is an internist and pediatrician, who attained the rank of full Professor at Wayne State University School of Medicine in 1999. He is a Clinical Professor at…

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Pia Appelquist

Pia Appelquist has been a certified Feldenkrais practitioner since 2010, and a certified assistant trainer since 2019. She is of Danish nationality but has lived and worked in France since…

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Yvo Mentens

Yvo, originally from Belgium, is a certified Feldenkrais practitioner. He graduated from Myriam Pfeffer’s training in Paris in 2009. Since 2016 he works as an assistant trainer. He teaches at…

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Alan Questel

Alan is known for his clarity, creativity and innovative teaching style, which brings depth of understanding, humor and a human perspective to learning the Method. Trained by Moshe Feldenkrais (Amherst…

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Scott Clark

Originally from New Mexico, Scott trained as a dancer after taking a BSc in mathematics. During an extensive career as a performer and dance teacher, he investigated many of the…

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