Mara Fusero
Dr. Mara Fusero founded the Centro Movimento e Funzione in Milan in 1989 and has directed it ever since.
She graduated in physiotherapy and is enrolled in the Italian register of psychologists. She became a Feldenkrais® Practitioner in 1988, after attending the first ever European Feldenkrais® training “Paris 1”, directed by Miriam Pfeffer.
In 2010, Mara became a Feldenkrais® Trainer, certified by the international TABs. Since then, she has been Educational Director of several professional trainings both in Italy and abroad and she regularly teaches in international trainings as guest Trainer.
She is also a Bones for Life® Trainer and completed the Jeremy Krauss Approach (JKA) and Periné, Integración y Movimiento trainings.
Mara also teaches post-trainings courses for Feldenkrais® practitioners and Feldenkrais® courses for physiotherapists recognised by the Italian Ministry of Health.
Her scientific background and studies deeply influence her teaching style, enriching it with detailed anatomical references and the application of functional anatomy.
Her hobbies are cooking (she is famous for her culinary references when teaching anatomy!), gardening, walking and recycling old objects, giving them a new life.
Mara teaches weekly group lessons of Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) and gives Functional Integrations® (FIs) by appointment.