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Psychological or social challenges Conference on Feldenkrais Method

w/ Annette Orphal, Suzanne Herzog

  • 15€

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22 Mar - 23 Mar




Français, Anglais

General Public

Forest Lighthouse

Sat 22 Mar - 25


18:00 - 19:30

Sun 23 Mar - 25

Replay French subtitles

18:00 - 19:30


What is Psychological or social challenges ?

Every week for 12 weeks, specialists from Europe, the UK and the USA will share their experience and knowledge of the various applications of the Feldenkrais Method and its transformative learning strategies. Don't miss it !

In this conference, Anette explores the central role of the body and sensory-motor processes in modern psychology and therapy. Drawing on the global developmental theory of Henri Wallon (1879–1962)—a pioneer in French child psychology—she examines how early relational experiences shape emotional security. By integrating the Feldenkrais Method into her background as a psychologist, Annette also addresses rule-learning, self-awareness, emotional dynamics, and cognitive development, illustrating how these factors influence our relationship to ourselves and our environment from infancy onward.

In a filmed segment, Suzanne Herzog demonstrates how she uses specific Feldenkrais strategies (such as body scanning to address dissociative challenges) and discusses the method’s role in supporting self-regulation.

The event will conclude with a Q&A session with Anette Orphal.

What you will learn ?

More information on the 12 weeks of courses and conferences:

Who is teaching ?

Annette Orphal

Annette Orphal

Annette is a psychologist, psychotherapist, and a Feldenkrais practitioner, having integrated the Feldenkrais Method into her professional practice from the very beginning. Her work focuses on the interplay of body awareness, emotional dynamics, and cognitive development, emphasizing how these factors shape our relationships with ourselves and with our environment from early childhood onward. She practices in early-childhood care settings and in private sessions with people of all ages. Additionally, she teaches in several training programs related to education and caregiver-patient relationships. Background Highlights • DESS in Clinical and Pathological Psychology (1997, Paris Descartes University) • Therapeutic interventions in early parent-infant...
Susanne Herzog

Susanne Herzog

Suzanne Herzog is a Feldenkrais practitioner and psychotherapist who runs a psychotherapy “Praxis” (private practice), where she integrates Feldenkrais strategies into her therapeutic practice— for example, using body scans to help clients reconnect with their bodies in cases involving dissociation. Her own doctoral research focuses on self-regulation and the Feldenkrais Method.

“We act according to our self-image, so the relationship between caretakers and children is shaped by the parents' own experiences and models.”

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